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New member from Basingstoke, UK | New Members Introduction |

New member from Basingstoke, UK

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hello everyone

New member from Basingstoke here. I'm 15 and have had a passion for drains / underground sites all my life (Mainly drains though). It started with my dad lifting the manhole in the garden and running the taps in the house so I'd be able to see the water go by, it soon progressed into searching along river banks for outfalls, and peering down manholes with my torch.

At the age of 13 I did my first culvert which was the Bourne Valley Culvert in Poole and thoroughly enjoyed it. I've done other culverts since and even found some new ones. I'm looking forwards to getting out a lot more this year and doing more underground stuff including drains / mines / bunkers etc

I tend to explore solo as it's easier for me taking pictures, but every so often I go with a family member or friends. Would be happy to meet some new people in the future. Soon I'll get some reports up of some drains I've found in the nearby area.

Thank you for reading! 👍