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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi all, hope you’re all well.

Based in Oxfordshire here. I’ve always been in awe looking at pictures/videos of old abandoned places and imagining what they once were like. The more history scattered around to build a picture, the better. It’s been an itch of mine for many, many years to actually go and find some places to explore, however I’ve always found an excuse to why I couldn’t, whether it be, family life getting in the way, work or just not knowing where to go or what to expect. I feel now is the time to scratch the itch properly and get off my backside and hopefully get a bit fitter and move a bit more in the process!

All help is greatly appreciated. I am working through the forum as I type hoping to find locations fairly local to me to start with. My wife seems to be showing an interest too so I’m sure she’ll be keen to come along with me.

I’d be keen to attend any public group meetings of fellow urbexers if such things happen, I’m not sure? What’s the best way to meet new people in my potential new hobby?

Thanks in advance.


Regular User
Welcome to 28DL

The best way to get along is to read the 'Survival guide', post an introduction...then get involved and post some reports (see the sticky in this section about what is expected). Doesn't need to be 'epic' or 'new' but make it original to you. Your 'take' on the place and not just a copy of wankipaedia/other reports.
As people see that you aren't just here to collect 'pins' they'll be more likley to agree to meet etc.
Meets are starting tyo be organised again - next big one is : 28DL Meet 2022 - HUDDERSFIELD - Saturday 22nd October | General Exploring Chat Forum

Hopefully your family will come to share your enthusiasm too.

Good luck and stay safe

Harris magnum

28DL Member
28DL Member
i'd better say hi to you all , i've been having a good look round , there's some great and interesting posts , a lot of places i've never heard of and some i know a lot about , i've got some ideas that might be of interest if i can gain access , i'll continue reading the posts and maybe adding a comment here and there , thaks for letting me into the clan .