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New member photographer norfolk

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28DL Member
28DL Member

new member to this site, Norfolk photographer and keen explorer or abandoned buildings and the like.

If your in the area and want to explore and take some photos drop me a message!




One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
Welome to 28, I'd recommend giving the Survival Guide a quick read as it will help you get started.

In terms of meeting people, you'll find that people on here are quite reluctant to meet people they don't know are genuine first, you are best going out with a mate(s) first and getting a few reports up. You'll find people are a lot more willing to help and meet up once you've done this.

Happy exploring :thumb


Quite often seen exploring further than Norfolk
28DL Full Member
Welcome along, look forward to seeing some of what you get up to with the camera