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Night Photography

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
TrankMast - thanks v much, after many attempts I was just glad to get a shot that didn't completely suck!


28DL Full Member

not strictly night but getting there ;)


As you do
28DL Full Member
I havn't done any night photography in ages due to being rammed busy with other work, but the moon and clouds were too nice tonight not to do anything so i headed out into my back garden with my old toilet.


Now, this thread is brilliant but I really like this one!

Just so off the wall............................................

28DL Full Member
Cheers suffolkbha =]

And to Drhowser, raf folkingham is mine and flip's main location, nice shots.

I havn't had a chance to do much night photography in a while as i've been too focused on my exhibition. But i got out the other night to Duke of Lancaster =]



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Havnt posted in a while so thought i'd show my face again...

this was taken last full moon and is a naturally lit


28DL Full Member
EF have you encountered Mr Green or the shooting club yet?

Nope, the only people we've ever encountered there was a group of semi-chavvy explorers and we must have been on at least ten occasions.

We had one strange night however where some vehicle with a spotlight kept creeping over the horizon, possibly hunters? We couldn't figure out what it was, but it disappeared after an hour.


Germany is the "wurst"
28DL Full Member
One I took from my roof in Paris a little while ago. The Eiffel Tower's searchlights were rotating along the top, which created the weird upside down umbrella light thing. Click on photo for full size.


I hate heights.
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