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Night Photography

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The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member

Night time at Indépendance Square - Kiev (Post-Chernobyl visit). Surprised I was sober enough to take this, but it saved me from an evening that 3 of our party wish they could when they woke up with a 2 day hangover :D


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Something which I've started trying recently is photographing old run-down street furniture such as phone boxes at night. Here are a few pics of some of the old BT phone boxes that I've taken recently. They have a nice aesthetic to them which I quite like.






Cave Monster
28DL Full Member
I love these photos, they're so evocative! To me an old, run down phone box has an air of desperation and dilapidation that's more than just the thing itself. Like in my mind the phone box is associated with desperate and dilapidated people who have no choice but to use it. I think Trainspotting or something like that!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Great idea. Love to see more of the whole thing too.
Thanks! I did get a couple of overview shots of the phone box too.


I love these photos, they're so evocative! To me an old, run down phone box has an air of desperation and dilapidation that's more than just the thing itself. Like in my mind the phone box is associated with desperate and dilapidated people who have no choice but to use it. I think Trainspotting or something like that!
Thank you, I did play around with the colours on some to give it more of an effective look. And I completely agree with the Trainspotting vibe!


Cave Monster
28DL Full Member
I don't know why this thread is so dead. Has no one except me done any night photography since 2023?

I'll drop a couple of shots I have taken on my phone recently...

Menai Bridge - Anglesey/Gwynedd

Brittania Bridge - Anglesey/Gwynedd

Aurora at Malham Limestone Pavement, Yorkshire Dales

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