Hi! im a new explorer that started in 2021 (quarantine brought me up to these things, extremely bored positive alot of you can relate) now ive found it fun finding all these "hidden" treasures around our cities!
Ive only explored abandoned housing/council estates and hospitals, i cannot post these houses on this forum as they are against the rules and obviously has an owner, however i have an adventure planned for next week! An abandoned office and hopefully what looks like on google maps an abandoned MASSIVE mansion.
ill keep you guys updates on thoes two adventures, and also if someone in comments could tell me if im allowed to post the mansion on here! thanks

Ive only explored abandoned housing/council estates and hospitals, i cannot post these houses on this forum as they are against the rules and obviously has an owner, however i have an adventure planned for next week! An abandoned office and hopefully what looks like on google maps an abandoned MASSIVE mansion.
ill keep you guys updates on thoes two adventures, and also if someone in comments could tell me if im allowed to post the mansion on here! thanks