Excellent post. So good in fact I had to go and take a look for myself...
I am brand new to the site so thought before I would post up like most do saying that I'd love to one day get along to a site/meet and then never to be seen again, I have some photo's to introduce myself with (don't worry, no selfies!)
I had a few hours to kill in the Essex area today so decided that today was the day and drove over to North Weald to (try and) find the redoubt. And I did!
I am a (very) amateur photographer with only a bridge camera at the moment but everyone has to start somewhere right? This site captured my love for an adventure and photography so thought it was perfect for me to join up to.
So less about me, more about the site that I visited.
It is indeed a very overgrown area now with stinging nettles and brambles leading up to the area (legs are still stinging as I type!) and although I was a little confused as to where the main area was once I explored a little deeper in to the forest-like area I found it! All totally flooded and alas, no wellies, so I couldn't fully explore but here's what I got.
Hope you enjoy and I look forward to more exploring!