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Report - - North West Storm Relief, Hammersmith Storm Relief, Serpents Lair & Brook Green Storm Relief, London 2017 to 2019 | UK Draining Forum | Page 3 |

Report - North West Storm Relief, Hammersmith Storm Relief, Serpents Lair & Brook Green Storm Relief, London 2017 to 2019

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28DL Member
28DL Member
A useful Hammersmith area sewer map:
Report title: - "Hammersmith_Flyunder_Tunnel_Feasibility_Final_Draft_Rev_3.0_tcm21-187049"
The maps appear to be the standard Thames Water Asset Location Search Sewer Map (like you can get for a specific location, but covering a much wider area).

There are three maps available that show the area West / East between Rivercourt Rd / Hammersmith Cemetery. and North / South between approximately north of the flyover to the Thames. They also show all the main storm relief sewers arriving at Hammersmith Pumping station and CSOs.
As the document is PDF, it means that it can be downloaded and the maps can be zoomed right in to see the finer details. The maps are near the end, PDF pages 97-99

The report is on the LB H&F web site, but it’s very difficult to find – a search on their website with the report name didn’t turn anything up. Google search turned up one entry only!
A better way is to do a Google search using:
hammersmith addendum note for the ground movement

Google search results show a result:
“Addendum Note for the Ground Movement Analysis at ...”
Click on this to open / download the report

I could post the link but, as it’s 360 characters long, I don’t know if it would be accepted.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
lost for words !!!!!!!!!!
The pinnacle of draining and reportage
nicely scripted, fantastic shots, nuff said !!!!!
need another trip to the big stink.........and soon


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The hump in the NWSR that you thought was the NKSR crossing isn't, it's the Hammersmith SRS Duplication. The NKSR runs parallel with the NWSR after it drops under the Counters Creek weir chamber and joins the Duplication branch just before it passes through the NWSR. The drain down pipe from the hump does connect to the NKSR just before it joins the Duplication sewer but all of this is downstream of where you were looking and saw what you thought was the corresponding hole i.e. when you came across the hump in the NWSR you had gone further than you thought and had passed the Counters Creek sewer.
Interesting insight. A few years ago I was privvy to a host of asset maps that featured drainage in this general area. I'm sure the NKSR does cross the NWSR downstream, somewhere towards the end of Addison Avenue. I couldn't say if it crossed under or over? But I'm almost certain they crossed one another, but perhaps they don't interact at all downstream? There is a branch (western I believe) of the Hammersmith SRS that crosses the NWSR, but I recall it is really far downstream, so is the hump in the NWSR likely to be that? I appreciate that my knowledge of it all is purely hands-off (academic) so to speak, so I could be way off with my info.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
A useful Hammersmith area sewer map:
Report title: - "Hammersmith_Flyunder_Tunnel_Feasibility_Final_Draft_Rev_3.0_tcm21-187049"
The maps appear to be the standard Thames Water Asset Location Search Sewer Map (like you can get for a specific location, but covering a much wider area).

There are three maps available that show the area West / East between Rivercourt Rd / Hammersmith Cemetery. and North / South between approximately north of the flyover to the Thames. They also show all the main storm relief sewers arriving at Hammersmith Pumping station and CSOs.
As the document is PDF, it means that it can be downloaded and the maps can be zoomed right in to see the finer details. The maps are near the end, PDF pages 97-99

The report is on the LB H&F web site, but it’s very difficult to find – a search on their website with the report name didn’t turn anything up. Google search turned up one entry only!
A better way is to do a Google search using:
hammersmith addendum note for the ground movement

Google search results show a result:
“Addendum Note for the Ground Movement Analysis at ...”
Click on this to open / download the report

I could post the link but, as it’s 360 characters long, I don’t know if it would be accepted.
Very interesting maps

HERE'S A DIRECT LINK TO THE DOC (Accessed 17 September 2023)

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