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Report - - Odeon Cinema (aka. Regent Theatre) Westover Road, Bournemouth - July 2017 | Theatres and Cinemas | Page 2 |

Report - Odeon Cinema (aka. Regent Theatre) Westover Road, Bournemouth - July 2017

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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Wow loving the interior design there. All that ornate work is still stunning as a derp. That PCT wall is impressive. Nice one:thumb


Xexxa the red
The place is owned by some thoughtless development company who wanted to smash the entire building down (except for the facade,which is locally listed) and install a 10 storey tower block of flats right through the middle of the roof. Bands such as pink floyd and the Beatles have performed on that stage and underneath the modern exterior is an architecturally stunning building (same goes for abc frontage) ... currently everything is on hold as Bournemouth have rejected the both the plans and we (I say we as I’ve also been getting involved) are trying to get the entire building listed. This of course won’t happen if the pikeys get in and burn it down. That’s why I hadn’t mentioned them and planned to not mention the name if I got in, as I’ve seen how quickly these places turn to shit once they YouTube explorers pick up on them, and then before you know it, it’s another piece of our history bulldozed for a Lidl...

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
The place is owned by some thoughtless development company who wanted to smash the entire building down (except for the facade,which is locally listed) and install a 10 storey tower block of flats right through the middle of the roof. Bands such as pink floyd and the Beatles have performed on that stage and underneath the modern exterior is an architecturally stunning building (same goes for abc frontage) ... currently everything is on hold as Bournemouth have rejected the both the plans and we (I say we as I’ve also been getting involved) are trying to get the entire building listed. This of course won’t happen if the pikeys get in and burn it down. That’s why I hadn’t mentioned them and planned to not mention the name if I got in, as I’ve seen how quickly these places turn to shit once they YouTube explorers pick up on them, and then before you know it, it’s another piece of our history bulldozed for a Lidl...

I really hope this does get saved. Our social history is destroyed far to often for my liking


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Bit late to be NP. Chavs had already been in i think, hence the dodgy alarm situation.. Unfortunately theres very little left in the building that could be preserved in the long term. The plaster work is just scraps left over from when it was bashed about in the 60s, roof totally changed from original and very little left at the front of house either. For those that ,messaged me asking for some kind of clowns pocket, there isnt one. All is explained in the report really, we got in, no alarm, then suddenly 3 hours later its going off. Either some zones are dead or it wasn't set right.


Xexxa the red
Bit late to be NP. Chavs had already been in i think, hence the dodgy alarm situation.. Unfortunately theres very little left in the building that could be preserved in the long term. The plaster work is just scraps left over from when it was bashed about in the 60s, roof totally changed from original and very little left at the front of house either. For those that ,messaged me asking for some kind of clowns pocket, there isnt one. All is explained in the report really, we got in, no alarm, then suddenly 3 hours later its going off. Either some zones are dead or it wasn't set right.

There is still a lot of original plaster under the walls that you probably didn’t see but is mentioned in the report done by the historic building consultant. I think keeping this out the sights of the pikeys is only a good thing before yet another 20s cinema gets trashed. Chavs have been in on a minor level but not the level they will go in if it’s on here long enough and the YouTube dickheads get it

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
There is still a lot of original plaster under the walls that you probably didn’t see but is mentioned in the report done by the historic building consultant. I think keeping this out the sights of the pikeys is only a good thing before yet another 20s cinema gets trashed. Chavs have been in on a minor level but not the level they will go in if it’s on here long enough and the YouTube dickheads get it

Yep that is the bit I was referring to. So beautiful those walls. Would be a shame


Staff member
From what @Speed has said, it sounds like it's only a matter of time really and moving it would probably achieve very little in the grand scheme of things sadly


Xexxa the red
From what @Speed has said, it sounds like it's only a matter of time really and moving it would probably achieve very little in the grand scheme of things sadly
So that’s good reason to not bother? There are underground sites in NP that I scratch my head over as they aren’t capable of being trashed... I’ve attatched a part of the report on the place by the historic buildings consultant.(There are more photos of original things that speed didn’t show in this report) If the council think it’s worth protection and historic England thinks it’s worth protection and the cinema society thing think it is too then I don’t see why 28 are happy just to leave it in a public forum so that those parts of it that make it worthy for protection can be lost to groups of 14 year old dickheads.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Just drop it. For one its been on here in public for a couple of weeks so all the goons will have seen it already. For two theres no way any of the plaster-work will ever be saved. It may look impressive but society cant even get its act together to save 100% intact cinema interiors let lone ones where 80% of it has been destroyed. For three, if you cant get in there then what makes you think a bunch of 14 year old chav youtubers are going to be able to do it??

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Just drop it. For one its been on here in public for a couple of weeks so all the goons will have seen it already. For two theres no way any of the plaster-work will ever be saved. It may look impressive but society cant even get its act together to save 100% intact cinema interiors let lone ones where 80% of it has been destroyed. For three, if you cant get in there then what makes you think a bunch of 14 year old chav youtubers are going to be able to do it??

Sadly I agree 100% Speed. So many beautiful and ornate pieces in buildings just get trashed and thrown away, we live in a throw away society nowdays. We have no power to stop these things, and what will be will be. At least you have the photos for ever to look back on, isnt that part of UE & social history preservation in itself/ :thumb


Xexxa the red
Just drop it. For one its been on here in public for a couple of weeks so all the goons will have seen it already. For two theres no way any of the plaster-work will ever be saved. It may look impressive but society cant even get its act together to save 100% intact cinema interiors let lone ones where 80% of it has been destroyed. For three, if you cant get in there then what makes you think a bunch of 14 year old chav youtubers are going to be able to do it??

Because the 14 year olds will just rip doors off and shit. There is a momentum to save it and the people who are behind it know more than you and I about building restoration. If they say it can be restored I’ll go with what they are saying until proven otherwise. But yeah. As long as all those random mines are NP......


subterranean explorer
Regular User
to the disapointment of the owner they were gonna save Newcastle Odean facade, now that was beautiful
but it mysteriously collapsed at 2am probably an inside job.

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