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Report - - Ormskirk Cottage Hospital / West Lancashire College, Ormskirk – June 2022 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Ormskirk Cottage Hospital / West Lancashire College, Ormskirk – June 2022

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Opened in 1896 and operated under several names over the years;

Ormskirk Dispensary & Cottage Hospital
Ormskirk General Hospital
Brandreth Hospital


In the mid-90’s the hospital closed and became the Ormskirk campus of West Lancashire College, who moved out a few years ago leaving the site vacant. The current planning application will see the former hospital converted into flats after an earlier plan to demolish it was withdrawn.

Another one we swung by on the way home from Scotland. Basically a big, soggy, modernised derp, its redeeming feature being the former children's ward which still has all its original tiling in place.

Ormskirk Cottage Hospital - 3rd July (1).jpg

Ormskirk Cottage Hospital - 3rd July (24).jpg

Starting with the best bit...

Ormskirk Cottage Hospital - 3rd July (17).jpg

Ormskirk Cottage Hospital - 3rd July (11).jpg

Ormskirk Cottage Hospital - 3rd July (13).jpg

Ormskirk Cottage Hospital - 3rd July (10).jpg

Ormskirk Cottage Hospital - 3rd July (14).jpg

Ormskirk Cottage Hospital - 3rd July (16).jpg

This room still resembled a small ward

Ormskirk Cottage Hospital - 3rd July (8).jpg

The only other reference to its hospital days I found

Ormskirk Cottage Hospital - 3rd July (21).jpg

Ormskirk Cottage Hospital - 3rd July (7).jpg

Former college photography room

Ormskirk Cottage Hospital - 3rd July (5).jpg

Ormskirk Cottage Hospital - 3rd July (6).jpg

Ormskirk Cottage Hospital - 3rd July (2).jpg

Ormskirk Cottage Hospital - 3rd July (3).jpg

Ormskirk Cottage Hospital - 3rd July (9).jpg

Ormskirk Cottage Hospital - 3rd July (18).jpg

That was about it, worth a look if you like tiles anyway!​


Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
That's not too shabby. Nice to properly see more than just the tile work, am a fan of the final image.
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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Those tiles certainly are a redeemer. Surprised they are complete. Lovely.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Only ever seen the old children's wars from this place.
Rest of the building doesn't look to bad tbf. Have definitely seen worse

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