Attempted this (or i think a very similar one close to this location) a few days ago. It was between two new high story flats. They were very well lit and little cctv cameras pointing in every direction. Vary small site office (size or portaloo). Finally found I viable entry point (looked like somebody had attempted before). Site office was about 30m away but visible. Climbed wall and was about to drop into site when security officer exited the box and looked directly at me. Dropped back into the street and walked off. Must have been watching us scout the site out from the cctv.
There is another crane quite nearby in a northerly direction. Small site and quite exposed crane (early stages of building). Site offices on other site of road. However the crane was not lit. Same cctv system so we decided to give it a miss. Would be interested if anyone makes it up these.
yes pal they seem to have stepped up security not long after we went.the route we took into the site avoided cameras but was overlooked by student flat balconies but worked well..
I did one over near the cathederal arches a few months later what had pir activated cameras which I tripped a few times but after waiting and learning there was no response I did it anyway....
a good few reccies and a healthy dose of luck helps with these type of jobs.