Plenty of people have been here before, time to go again. I love Pagefield and its a great opportunity to spent time on shots, due to how relaxed it can be, can take your time.
History (Recent years)
Used many moons ago as a mill (Ryland’s Mill), Pagefield was used as a campus for Wigan and Leigh college until they sold it to a property developer in 2009. Clearly the developers haven’t got round to doing much ‘developing’ as of yet, and the fire brigade has been called to the location on multiple occasions to stop arsonists. Since the college was abandoned, many local home residents have complained about the gangs going in and stating that broken glass and bricks have been found in their gardens – thrown in by the youths.
Recently, a large section of the campus has been demolished and cleared of rubble; it is quite possible that the same fate is not so distant for the other parts of the college. this is an important point, as it could mean that development may begin, although demolition occurred (apparently) due to the council stepping in on the less than structurally sound section.
Our Trip
We never really meant to go to Pagefield, but after the great disappointment of mount street hospital and not being able to get in, it was the best idea to make something of the day. there was a mass rave going on, quite an intimidating gang took an interest to out kit, so we fucked off quite quickly over the bridge and into the burned out office block, the safes place as it turned out...
It's become such a community attraction that you meet people all the time in here, some bloke with an axe wandering around was a little weird, and some emo's also surfaced from the large moss room, but hey, all comes with the Pagefield experience

Moss room
No effect applied, just smoke damage..
always time for a time lapse, while taking this, there was a large police presence on Mesnes park next to the college, and from the roof you could see most of it occur, police with dogs arresting teens who were very drunk, meant we couldn't leave for a good 3 hours :/
The trip in video form, for those who prefer it that way
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