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Report - - Paris Catacombs, March 2014 | European and International Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Paris Catacombs, March 2014


"You BOY!
Regular User
Crackin shots Dawid, and with a compact too. I Would of missed my dslr down there but fairplay.


Tomb Raider
28DL Full Member
Even on your mini camera you still manage to get some awesome shots!! :eek: :thumb
Brilliant time, your photo capture the moment really well :)


28DL Full Member
Thanks! Anyone else planning to share their shots?

I swear I didn't see you with your camera out.

Didn't use it as much as i wish to, we were big enough group to organize anyway ;)

I Would of missed my dslr down there but fairplay.

I did as well, but i tried to pack as little as possible, we carried everything around all the time and there was good chance of damaging the gear, only Katie can crawl with her camera like that, i'm too clumsy for it :p:
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