Thanks for kind comments all.
Errr, yeah, you would have beaten me in a race to the top for certain! My brave-o-meter wouldn't have even registered.
Haha, not by much mate I bet. I was definitely taking my time, thinking light thoughts and trying not to overgrip
Good to see it getting done again and you finally got a break in the weather, after countless trips to the area
Lol yeah once to see it, once with you in the pouring rain, once early one morning (still under-prepared) and once full of confidence when i finally got up it. Fucked the mat off as a bad idea in the end. Was still bad enough getting up there though.
Good effort (more logbook hours)
You wouldn't catch me up there, I don't like high things
Lol yeah was thinking about what you said about Steeplejacking not being for everyone. Was gonna stop the guy in his van, one morning when i saw him arrive and ask him if he'd sign it
it’s got ladders from base to top at the moment I’m too chicken.
Pear Mill's much easier funnily enough. Thanks though
Nice one, I really want to do a climb, but im such a klutz, with Rems MS I never know if a limb will fail me, also I dont suppose it would help my vertigo I developed on these meds lol. But I love viewing others climb
A villain called Don Whillans was fairly local to that area in the 50's/60's/70's. He was a rock climber and had vertigo and he climbed all over the world with hobnail boots on tied to a hemp rope. Get to yer local crag/ indoor wall if yer wanna see climbers climb - they're a friendly lot
Something I've always wanted to do but I just don't think I have the bottle!! Fair play to you mate!
I hope the little rotten pear gets some attention!
I reckon you would if you were with others.The first and last bits were the hardest. It's all in yer head.
My son goes climbing in there regularly and I've often looked up at this chimney and thought it was doable but looking at those ladders fuck that! Haha. You are a hell of a braver man than me, very well done for having the balls to do it!
Glad to hear it mate

The walls good isn't it. Decent height as well. Remember visiting it for the first time and seeing the chimney then. Christ it looks bigger when yer get on it. Would love to say I do have the balls to do this unattached but I really don't. Or didn't on this occasion

2 no scaff bina's ftw. Safety is Paramount