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Germany is the "wurst"
28DL Full Member
Lets play a quick game of 'spot the explorer'

There are actually 27 ninjas in that photo.


First rope descent down a 30m and a frog climb back up. Whee. Still coughing up chalk dust.


Staff member
Even a caving ladder at 30m is effort trust.. or maybe it's just because I'm a lazy cnut :D


Germany is the "wurst"
28DL Full Member
Hahaha i must be lazy too as im fucked if im doing 30m frogging it thats what winches are for lol

Where the hell did you find a 30m caving ladder?

I had enough of a time finding a 10m one (which is awesome, btw. Highly recommended.)

As for frog climbing, it's okay if you don't mind a bit of pain. Also, this place was awesome. Totally worth it. And this coming from someone with utterly crippling vertigo.


1 of them cnuts off 28dsl
28DL Full Member
Where the hell did you find a 30m caving ladder?

I had enough of a time finding a 10m one (which is awesome, btw. Highly recommended.)

As for frog climbing, it's okay if you don't mind a bit of pain. Also, this place was awesome. Totally worth it. And this coming from someone with utterly crippling vertigo.

I haven't mate ojay was the one who mentioned 30m caving ladders but to be honest its not unheard of to attach more than one together so i think thats what he means.
Ive had 2x 10 meters together and it was a bitch and a half twisting even with a spreader
Even a caving ladder at 30m is effort trust.. or maybe it's just because I'm a lazy cnut :D
It looks good mate when you getting the report up:)


Staff member
As DHL said attach them together...

Here is me abb'ing down 60m (200ft) at Bar Pot, if you look closely my right hand is holding onto 'electron ladder(s)' (caving ladder to the heathens) :p

That was 6 x 10m ladders joined to one another ;)



Germany is the "wurst"
28DL Full Member
Look again, I'm on the bloody rope! :D

Pft, that's kind of stupid, isn't it? I mean, why would you bother, when you've got a nice comfy ladder right next to you?

Real men are secure in their sexuality. I also once had a lesbian friend who would only give me pink cigarettes when I tried to bum one off her. The key is to be a pussy with manly confidence.


Staff member
Pft, that's kind of stupid, isn't it? I mean, why would you bother, when you've got a nice comfy ladder right next to you?

Knob 'ed, you just moaned that I wasn't on a rope, when actually I was! :p

(I think you need your eyes testing, I'd stay away from heights until further notice) :D

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