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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Tweek giving it the "Bring me Sunshine" Morcambe and Wise dance :D



28DL Memb3r
28DL Full Member

Ojay/MJS/WB/Mstarmatt/Jst/Forsaken + another 6 INDRAINS

(Sorry I'm shit with names, add them in and I'll edit the post)

+ Bunk3r, Goan, Joe, 'the surfer' (not a member but he surfs and only ever wears surf attire), Chauffeur, Thompski,​


I should have danced all night
28DL Full Member
Aye, that's Ron the Chrysler Avenger. I didn't even realise what was written on the van until I looked at the photo. I thought we were taking photos of the car so I put my thumbs down as we'd just received a parking ticket :p

EDIT: I can see Banana


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
I must have took that photo! They turned down my appeal after we stick a travelodge sticker over over the restrictions sign and took a photo to claim the times were not displayed!! £35 Fine.. :( Still we got him out of jail for free!


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Aye, that's Ron the Chrysler Avenger. I didn't even realise what was written on the van until I looked at the photo. I thought we were taking photos of the car so I put my thumbs down as we'd just received a parking ticket :p

EDIT: I can see Banana

You and your banana..and that car is a classic..does it still run..:)

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