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A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Me ganging up on my self you do..cnut owed me a beer



28DL Full Member
Two more pictures and then I should probably stop posting in this thread for now ... :p

Yep, or I may have to retaliate with a barrage of photos of you taking pictures of things, that's an awful lot of pictures of me looking very out of focus.

Hm, might do that anyway...


1 of them cnuts off 28dsl
28DL Full Member
If that's referring to the picture I just posted, that's not a culvert - it's in a tunnel underneith the surge pile at a quarry. :)

Haha i knew i was going to get it wrong when i posted and it would be something completely different so i thought screw it just call it a culvert,still a funny pic either way.:)


28DL Full Member
Haha i knew i was going to get it wrong when i posted and it would be something completely different so i thought screw it just call it a culvert,still a funny pic either way.:)

Hehe, it's a funny picture indeed. Teapot was wearing trainers btw, which was maybe not the best choice of footwear... :p

The picture was taken here (not naming the site because it's a live quarry):


28DL Full Member
Hm, since I got promoted to the dizzying heights of junior member after threatening to post lots of pictures of Chiroptera taking pictures of things, I feel I ought to dig some out.

Chiroptera in a quarry (this one to be precise).

Chiroptera having a go on a digger in a construction site (report here).

I'll probably post some more later, I have lots.


Butt Wipe
28DL Full Member
Have you still got it, that could be the future of boats, carve the middle out with seats and you would have no problem of it getting a hole in it

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