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Regular User
...although I have never been to Pyestock would argue it's far more full of win, but I guess it's all down to personal opinion at the end of the day :thumb

I think Pyestock just nudges it, in terms of the range of things to see. But, Inverkip is special and arguably more enjoyable... because it's just that little bit harder. Esp. 8 deep! :p


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
I Work Out!!!



28DL Full Member
Thats exactly it, pyestock is really just a big tourist derp, Inverkip is special ;)

Bullshit, Pyestock is quality! Kip might be special but Pyestock is immense all the same. They're 2 completely different explores - both amazing in their own way. Until you've been, Ojay, I don't think you can comment further on how shit Pyestock is...



Staff member
I actually didn't say it's shit mate, try reading the above again :p

I have an opinion just like anyone else, when I HAVE eventually been I may just change my opinion :p


Butt Wipe
28DL Full Member
Well done guys, I didn't actually think you would make it if im honest, with all the snow Scotland has had and knowing the security, but im pleased that you did it, great site aint it and very good work on the chimney :thumb

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