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I should have danced all night
28DL Full Member
Nasty Banana comments :(

It's so easy to laugh, it's so easy to hate. It takes guts to be gentle and kind.


International Trespasser
28DL Full Member
Nababa is a person you goon, i can guarantee that the these Bananas have been to more places than you will ever see, tit.

Also, re: my custom user title, i do not think i am "more epic" or anything like that, it is a jibe at a comment that was posted towards me, and if people can't take my sarcasm, do one, as i am going nowhere.

Now fuck off back to your farm buildings and aircraft crash sites.

Fuckin Laaaaaaaaawl :D


Staff member
Looks like enough stuff has been flying around this weekend, things have been said and thats that.

Were supposed to be a community, sharing/keeping things on the low etc, somehow that has failed, and myself included have been somewhat pissed off!

Anyway no offence and nothing personal from your's truly, just wanted to get one or two things off my mind.

1 ♥ - Crack on, nothing to see here :)


1 of them cnuts off 28dsl
28DL Full Member
Looks like enough stuff has been flying around this weekend, things have been said and thats that.

Were supposed to be a community, sharing/keeping things on the low etc, somehow that has failed, and myself included have been somewhat pissed off!

Anyway no offence and nothing personal from your's truly, just wanted to get one or two things off my mind.

1 ♥ - Crack on, nothing to see here :)

Fuck what have i missed this weekend keep hearing stuff :confused


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It does hurt more as it bruises more than cuts my mate got hit on his hand with a pickaxe protecting his head lol said the pain was mental just from the bruise alone.

I reckon a bruise would be the least thing i would be worrying about. More like the fucker at the other end of the pickaxe! :D

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