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Brapford Beck - Bypass slide


Re-creation of a similar shot by WB from 2 years back.​


28DL Wood Burner
28DL Full Member
Wait up wait up, I do believe it was my good self that accidentally captured that original shot, and within minutes everyone was queuing up ;)

Nah, 4 people got the same shot with simultaneous camera timers as far as I can remember. Me, Ojay, Clough & MJS (i think?)


28DL Full Member
In a break from my usual theme of "chiroptera taking pictures of stuff", here's chiroptera taking the impersonation of construction workers to a whole new level.



A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
In a break from my usual theme of "chiroptera taking pictures of stuff", here's chiroptera taking the impersonation of construction workers to a whole new level.


sorry but ive just rememered who/what your hair reminds me of orville the duck :) maybe a bit before your time im sure styru has a pic at hand !!


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Indeed, that's quite a fitting comparison. :p:

EDIT: and yes, I had to google 'orville the duck' to find out what it is ... didn't actually know it

The hair is stricking..wasnt an insult atal matey :) just im old and have a daft sense of humour..i find it helps!:thumb

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