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28DL Full Member


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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
What's the worst case scenario when you get busted? It's probably the thing I worry about most when exploring. I mean as long as we're only taking photos and not breaking anything then isn't it okay?

Oxygen Thief

Staff member
What's the worst case scenario when you get busted? It's probably the thing I worry about most when exploring. I mean as long as we're only taking photos and not breaking anything then isn't it okay?

Not the right place for this question, but I'll answer it anyway. Worst case scenario is a night in the cells on suspicion of burglary. Exploring is almost never 'OK'. You're trespassing, which is an offence. A big problem for me is that there a whole exploring generation that think it's OK to waltz around these places with impunity and immunity from everything. Stuff your "take only photographs..." mantra, it should be... "be discrete, don't get seen, don't get caught".

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