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subterranean explorer
Regular User
@ACID- REFLUX & @stranton Hitting the alleged "Tourist Trail" ;)


nice, I forgot about the illuminated coat.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Acid-reflux and Stranton don't like the tourist tag despite only ever hitting the popular spots.

You're both middle-age men, why do you care what everyone else thinks as long as you enjoy yourselves.

Personally I think it's cute how they explore as a couple

I like the idea of being a "Tourist" as it implies i"m away having fun o_O Which i have to say when you"re exploring with certain people, sometimes "Fun" is the last thing i"m experiencing :banghead and "Only" is a very narrow description & it"d be like someone suggesting that all "You" do is :turd Tubes and Derps. I wouldn"t criticise you for that. Each too their own as you say :D

Thanks for suggesting i"m Middle aged Paul, that"s a Pint i owe you ;)

As for the cute couple, thanks for that but unfortunately we seem to have lost a M8ty along the way so if you want to go through the selection process for our "Tourist Trio" you know where to apply. Although remember we don"t just do :turd tubes & Derps :thumb


A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
"One armed handstands in Flo Selecta"

For once that really is something different.

Not sure why you'd do that, but certainly different

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