UrbanFox, never even realised you took that bridge shot, MINT! and the cake, I didn't notice its bridge related icing glory, was too cold & too eager for cake to be IN my face rather than outside of it
and the shot with siolio, wasp & me, pretty typical of me, looking at camera, scratching my head and looking compfuzzled.
OK, heres some fresh emulsions courtesy of my now legendry film shop bloke....
Sorting the ProDrainORZ, from the boys
L > R Toothdoktor, speed, littlemike, sioliogen, urbanfox, brickman, wellwasp, zero & Yaz, the pro's are sharp as fook, even over 30seconds!
Brickman about to shoot an RPG into silvertown, oct2009
Dempsey stalks security whilst tripping on almondZ & industrial effluent, nov2009