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Report - - Permanent Snow in England (Eldon Hole, End of May 2023) | Underground Sites |

Report - Permanent Snow in England (Eldon Hole, End of May 2023)

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Enthusiastic Idiot and prolific BS talker
28DL Full Member
Disclaimer: I sometimes chose to explore solo but I am not encouraging or endorsing repeats of any of my trips. Don't turn up to take a look yourself with some old climbing rope and prusiks - you might die. Many caving clubs use it for srt training so contact one of them if needed.

Summer Snow

(Apologies for terrible quality pic)

Permanent Snow in England
There is one spot in England where snow can remain year round. Sadly not every year but sometimes... just sometimes... if there has been heavy and prolonged snows in Winter some can remain year round. In the late 1940s it is documented that there was a period of at least a couple of years where snow lasted year round, some occasions (anecdotes, not documented) in the 1960s and 1980s, documented evidence in 2010 (and very nearly in 2017 but not quite). Those of you who live in Derbyshire may be familiar with the location even if not the snow.

Eldon Hole - "Bottomless" and "Gate to Hell"
In 1636 Thomas Hobbes described Eldon Hole as the 4th Wonder of Derbyshire. He also gives an account of an early "caving" expedition in which an unfortunate man called Charles Cotton (possibly not with his consent!) was lowered on a bit of rope but didn't reach the bottom, and after being hauled out in an incoherent state, died 8 days later.
"After a hundred yards he had below I’th’ earth been drown’d, far as the Rope would do, and long enough hung by’t within the Cave, to th’ Earl (who now impatient was to have His answer) he’s drawn up ...For certain ’twas he rav;d, this his wild eyes, His paleness, trembling, all things verifies. Where venting something none could understand, Enthusiastick hints ne’re to be feand, He ceasing dies after eight daies were gones."
This confirmed the existing belief that the hole was both bottomless and a gate to hell.
That said... I did find evidence of horse slaughter while I was there, plus human bones were recovered from there in recent years so maybe they weren't totally wrong?

It is a slot in the ground in the limestone landscape of Eldon Hill. It's roughly rectangular and roughly aligned North-South a little South from the summit of Eldon Hill. It narrows from being a bit funnel shaped at the top to being a narrow vertical rectangular slot and is about 65m deep. At the bottom of the slot in a ladder which leads to a short crawl into a larger chamber with "Pretties" (nice formations etc) and following a 19m ascent with rope some further sections of Miller's Chamber and Damocles Rift. Any exploration requires caving rope competence (srt)


Derbyshire Caving Association's Rigging Topo see: Castleton : Eldon Hole : Details

Searching for Snow
Hearing a recent report that there was a decent amount of snow down there but melting and might not last long. Sadly, this year is *Not* going to be a permanent snow year. Anyway, I decided to go and take look for myself.
I drove up on a nice sunny hot day and parked on the narrow lane which ends nearby. This is a working farm please be considerate.
I asked permission from the farm if I could park please and asked where wouldn't be in their way. The farmer looked at me with concern asked me if I was on my own, I replied I was, she immediately questioned if this was sensible. I just smiled and laughed and assured her it wasn't at all, but to lighten the mood I offered she could sell my car if it was still parked there in 48 hours time, without saying another word to me she turned back to her work.

Solo Idiot

Eldon Hole surrounded by a ring of fence, roughly upper-centre in this photo in the distance (above the wall)


Lovely Bluebells

This next one is a 360 pic, so maybe you need to click into it after following the link, to get the 360 to work??

The "Bottomless" gate of Hell -- or a very nice bit of countryside, depending on your perspective

Apologies but having left a rucksack with my lunch and some bits and bobs in near the top - which I later discovered included the camara and tripod!! The pics are shaky phone pics from no onwards - sorry! (I've done that sort of thing before on solo trips 😭, where I have been so completely focussed on checking safety kit and what I need to get down and... then back up again, that things not related to preserving life have been left behind)

The first sight of snow
Taken from standing where the red circle is marked on the rigging topo (pic above)


I'd guess that it's maybe 3 or 4 metres thick at thickest?


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Enthusiastic Idiot and prolific BS talker
28DL Full Member
I met some of the residents, a couple of toads.

Then continued down the ladderway


At the bottom of the ladder is very a short grovel (not a flat out crawl) down a muddy stony slope into the main chamber where I could admire the pretties in the main chamber. Although I had no tripod or camera, I did have some lights so the next pic came out fine


From here you can go up to Miller's chamber. Disappointingly... I didn't have quite enough rope and wasn't able to borrow any in time for the trip to go up to Miller's as well. I will go back some time to take a look!
What might look in the pic like my rope, is a bit of pull rope you can use to pull your own rope up and through an anchor ring at the top and back down again (providing you remember a roll of insulating tape for the purpose of attaching your end of rope)


Also in the main chamber is a ladder down to a dig, this dig had to stop as they found neolithic human bones. I think they have all been exhumed and documented so maybe they can restart. I climbed down but there was nothing exciting to photo, the pic below is about half way down the dig, it's a deep mucky hole, you get the idea...


Neolithic horse, and saw (must be from a later period, iron age?)



Edit: I'm more a mine explorer, this is actually only the 3rd time I've ever been actual caving! (serious)
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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Really enjoyed this report. What a history! poor chap. This really does sound like hell. But the images of the snow and chamber are so pretty. I do admire this kind of skill. Love the disclaimer too, wish more people would think about safety. Kudo Tom. Loved it :<3


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
this is banging mate!
heard about the all year round snow on UK Caving, however i had thought this was a joke until seeing photos!!


Enthusiastic Idiot and prolific BS talker
28DL Full Member
this is banging mate!
heard about the all year round snow on UK Caving, however i had thought this was a joke until seeing photos!!
Yeah, it was hard to tell if a very deadpan in-joke or if serious. I read Records of year-round snow surviving at Eldon Hole, Peak District which looked totally legitimate until I noted it described it as "...Entrance to the pot-hole cannot be achieved without the aid of specialist equipment, and as a consequence it is visited only rarely, even in summer..." Rarely visited?? eh?? -- I heard it was a very popular pot hole for srt training so that didn't add up, but the article is written by a weather-nerd not a caver so maybe he misunderstood as he couldn't imagine going there himself.

Anyway after all the Eldon ice talk.. I went to look for myself. And I can report back that yes it has snow - and if enough snow gets drifted down it in a Winter I'd be surprised if sometimes it didn't linger there until the next winter. So to quote Bikin Glynn it's "snow joke"

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