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Report - - Peter O'Sullivan Meat Processors, Great Moulton December 2023 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Peter O'Sullivan Meat Processors, Great Moulton December 2023

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I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
One from a recent mad dash trip across to Norfolk. Our intended target in the area was unreachable because Mother Nature decided she had other plans meaning we physically couldn't get anywhere near it, and I remembered this place being mentioned in a comment on Facebook a few months back as being pretty nearby so decided to have a wander around to see what was what. I've done a bunch of these abbatoir/meat processing plants now and they are all pretty similar as well as being similarly somewhat depressing inside, and of course this one was no different.

There isn't much solid info out there about it, other than it was on a site called Orchard Farm in the village of Great Moulton near Norwich - presumably there was a much older farm there at some point and the current buildings kept the same name for ease of address. The large processing facility looks to be 1970s or so in construction, the former shop building appears to be a little older perhaps 1950s. It was owned and run by the O'Sullivan family as a processing and packing plant, I don't think animals were slaughtered here rather the carcasses were brought here to be processed, with an on-site butcher's shop selling some of the resulting produce as well as it being sent out to companies in the local area. From the looks of Street View it closed at some point between 2011 and 2021, I'd say probably around 2019 as it would appear that is when the directors of the company retired. Since then there has been an application to build houses on the site which has been revised twice, the current plan for the 2.8 acre site is for nine houses with green space and car parking, but as of yet nothing has happened.

I always expect these places to be a bit grim but I do kind of like them in a weird way. This one is very stripped, and at some point a fire was started in one of the back offices which caused major damage to that one room and heavy smoke damage to the rest of the office area and entrance hallway plus a couple of the chiller rooms. Upstairs is a wide open space plus a couple of other office rooms, one which has some truly bizarre mould growths in it. The open storage space is filled with all manner of random junk that looked to be being stored there by the owners, loads of household items plus masses of paperwork from the business strewn everywhere. Unfortunately the factory shop building was very well secured, although I can't imagine much would be left inside anyway.























Thanks for looking :)


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Glad to finally see someone get in here. I tried a couple of times in 2021/2022 but with no luck, I did hear it was open recently but never got around to it. A few years ago the only way in was through a partially smashed window into some toilets which is really high up and I could have probably gotten in but not out again :rofl Nice shots and definitely worth visiting and reporting despite being fairly stripped.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Glad to finally see someone get in here. I tried a couple of times in 2021/2022 but with no luck, I did hear it was open recently but never got around to it. A few years ago the only way in was through a partially smashed window into some toilets which is really high up and I could have probably gotten in but not out again :rofl Nice shots and definitely worth visiting and reporting despite being fairly stripped.

TBH I'm surprised to hear it was well sealed for a while, considering the mess scattered around it looks like it's used as a local hangout spot somewhat for kids in the area. I was very surprised to see it had suffered a fire though, considering how rural a location it is you don't really expect such damage as there can't be many chavs or morons in the area...