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Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
I know you said UK and it depends what you're into seeing/visiting but while you're on this side of the globe, for the sake of a few hours on the train, you could pop over to the catacombs in Paris for a weekend.

The Young One

Asbestos lover
28DL Full Member
I know you said UK and it depends what you're into seeing/visiting but while you're on this side of the globe, for the sake of a few hours on the train, you could pop over to the catacombs in Paris for a weekend.
Not a bad shout mate

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I would put St Joseph's seminary in upholland as maybe one of the most iconic. I definitely think Denbigh is the most visited place on the scene. George Barnsley's is up there as well and with good reason, sadly not so much these days.
I agree but how much of St Jos is left I wonder?


28DL Regular User
Regular User
I agree but how much of St Jos is left I wonder?
I did see a drone video of it the other day. Took a few screenshots showing one of the wings.

