Well for those of us that use Photobucket the last few weeks have been a little interesting to say the least. Although if you live under a rock and have no idea what I’m on about I’ll quickly explain.
The thieving robbing bastard's that are Photobucket have decided to stop any third party hosting of images stored on their site. Yup this means if you use Photobucket for your reports they are now picture less. Helpful on a forum that relies heavily on pictures.....
Now what’s the solution I hear you cry?
Well we can pay Photobucket $399 a year each to enable third party hosting
We can swap our pictures to another host and edit all our reports. Looooong!

All well and good but what about explorers who have passed away or have long left the game.
Well nothing, they would have been lost.
That is until out two intrepid forum Supermods
@Oxygen Thief and
@Ojay stepped in.

Encase you're unaware these two have put in some serious hours and managed with some clever work, lots of tinnies and some wizardry that would put Harry Potter to shame to have saved the day.
I won’t pretend to know how they did it but somehow they have done something amazing and got around the third party issue.
That’s makes things all well and good in our books but remember guys n girls this place doesn’t pay for itself and things come at a cost.
We all use 28 be it for reporting, location scouting or just for the banter, so if you have some loose change floating about in your PayPal then please use the link below and chuck a few quid in the pot.

Long live 28 Days later and all who post in her