Sweet shots of the place mate but f#ck me you are a lucky bugger, and a w@nker lol. Glad you got out safe and no lasting damage, well that we know of
And all that solo exploring in tunnels mate, way too dodgy!
Cheers mate
Got to put my hands up and be honest about it.
& Hindsight is a beautiful thing . But it's one of those risks we take on a daily basis doing this stuff. What is more risky ? Climbing Palisade ? Going into an Azzy filled basement or building? Climbing High Rise or Scaff ? Live Rail Networks? Sewer systems & chlverts etc etc all have the high potential for injury or death.
Yes I appreciated the risks as I knew them although with next to no information regarding the Tunnels it was always going to be questionable. Whether iI'm more complacent after doing multiple tunnel visits over the last few months (even those sealed at one end without airshafts ) or the lack of sleep or my obvious ignorance to realise that actually i may not be aware of atmospheric changes affecting my body before something serious happens which I had no contingency plans for .......which is again going back to being complacent. This didn't happen when I was diving, I had multiple options of back up.devices and indeed reserve air so should approach this in the same manner really.
But we don't sometimes. Hopefully there's a lesson in this & not just for me
I've had multiple conversations regarding this post and some people seem to ignore the obvious statements regarding the low O2 content air inside this place. (As demonstrated by Muntagens visit with a meter) it's not being replenished as some people seem to expect, or if it is slightly it will be the same for anyone else following in my footsteps without some kind of BA system etc.
Plus the constant threat of repeated roof collapses which going off the state of the piles of rock are a regular occurrence as they had no water or other contamination on them & you can here stuff falling down even before you knock into it trying to climb up into the roof voids.
Not sure if this makes any sense as mobile keeps crashing repeatedly? & it's less than useless on the new site format . I'll have to edit on the PC