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Report - - Portwood gas works, Stockport – Summer 2018 / Winter 2019 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Portwood gas works, Stockport – Summer 2018 / Winter 2019

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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Very detailed, and formatted nicely. Great shots & comparisons, info, and old pics & maps. Researched well, very important to document heritage & you've done a great and impressive job here. :thumb:thumb


Choose life, choose tunnels
Regular User
@Baggy trousers Going to sound a bit weird this, but I recall you saying what you could see from your gaff once. I have a book written by a guy who lived in a row of terraced houses that got demolished during the slum clearance to make way for newer housing close to you.

A fascinating read about life during the industrial years of Stockport. It's the link to history having read about things and then searching for remains that's quite warming.
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For my money, it is reports like this that set this forum apart from others. Absolutely fantastic stuff, thank you!

It's one of the main reasons we keep the site going, simply because of the number of legacy reports of great Industry and other categories that have long bitten the dust or just not easily accessible..

For all the annoying crap it brings, it's worth it for that alone :thumb

Camera Shy

Old enough to know better
Regular User
Brilliant, also being from Stockport that puts me to shame how much I don't know about my own town, loads of interesting info.

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