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Report - - RAE Bedford 3x3, 8x8, Canteen - August 2023 | Military Sites | Page 2 |

Report - RAE Bedford 3x3, 8x8, Canteen - August 2023

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Great set mate. Was a great day and was pleased to finally get in the big one. I even went back another time, and now lost over a hundred pics from this site bar a few.
Cheers mate, yeah the day was fantastic and was really was a highlight of 2023 for me, not just for exploring but overall haha (my life ain't too exciting :rofl ) I must admit I did think of you when writing up the report and feel so bad about the pics you lost, I would be absolutely gutted. Oh well, at least it's a lesson learned and shouldn't happen again.

Epic report. Heard it’s sealed good and proper now.
Thanks mate - that's a shame, access always seems to come and go here. I suspect it will be open again at some point.

Oh you joking me I was going to go in a couple of weeks time
As Host said in a reply, it will probably open up again at some point, but may be a bit of a waiting game.

That's a brilliant comprehensive roundup of the site, so many interesting shots there. That overview of the different wind tunnels provides a nice breakdown too. I think this place ended up defining a lot of us' summers, the funny thing is I sat on it for the best part of a year after being given the tip off. I have indeed heard security aren't messing around there now, with help of the local nursery and the cops.
Cheers mate, yeah I thought the breakdown of each tunnel would be useful info and more informative than just chucking many random paragraphs together which I drafted initially. I always like to provide a good write-up of each place I visited but wanted to add something a bit more unique and reader-friendly to the table given the number of times it has been reported on in the past. Yeah it did get hit hard in the summer! Yeah it doesn't surprise me secca are a bit more on it now, I reckon the one I came across got a telling-off from head office :rofl

gorgeous shots!! the composition is stunning, you make the place look so dynamic
Thank you!

Thats one of the nicest sets Iv seen from here, nicely done.
Cheers mate

Wow. Fantastica place and stunning images = brilliant report, Love that image of the single clock on the wall.
Cheers mate, yeah I was quite pleased with that shot considering I cropped it a fair bit, it was one of the rare occasions where I needed more than 85mm zoom!

Did it recently got caught by secca shortly after getting into the open building then half a dozen police turned up Got issued with a 12 month community notice πŸ™„ another group tried a few days ago and didn't even make it to the building secca is a proper little bullshter claiming he seen us there before and we cut the fence fortunately one of the coppers pointed out he had seen the hole there a while back
I did see that in the shoutbox recently, that's interesting, I can't believe how many police turned up!

Brilliant set of images you've walked out with.

Seem to have a failure for every success with this one. Almost got ran over by some guys in a disco who were driving around the place for hours trying to find us and, a year or so later after a successful visit between, the site manager happened to see us who wasn't happy...
Cheers mate, yeah it does seem to be a bit like that. At least you have managed to see all the main bits though.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Cracking set. This place always impresses me. The changes in areas are great. From decay & peel, to clean and orderly. Big open spaces photographed beautifully and I love how you always find the detailed shots.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Cheers mate, yeah I thought the breakdown of each tunnel would be useful info and more informative than just chucking many random paragraphs together which I drafted initially. I always like to provide a good write-up of each place I visited but wanted to add something a bit more unique and reader-friendly to the table given the number of times it has been reported on in the past. Yeah it did get hit hard in the summer! Yeah it doesn't surprise me secca are a bit more on it now, I reckon the one I came across got a telling-off from head office :rofl

Yeah definitely I'm sure it'll help people make sense of the place. It's a really nice send off for the place's recent spell. Haha you could be right about secca there, I was surprised they seemed to go from very nonchalant to savage. I guess it just took them a while to clock what was happening.

Exploring With Pride 🌈

Exploring with pride in more ways than one
28DL Full Member
Yeah definitely I'm sure it'll help people make sense of the place. It's a really nice send off for the place's recent spell. Haha you could be right about secca there, I was surprised they seemed to go from very nonchalant to savage. I guess it just took them a while to clock what was happening.
Yet the smaller building is wide open a kid from the local nursery could walk rite in πŸ™„


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Yeah definitely I'm sure it'll help people make sense of the place. It's a really nice send off for the place's recent spell. Haha you could be right about secca there, I was surprised they seemed to go from very nonchalant to savage. I guess it just took them a while to clock what was happening.

Its textbook. Try and stay ahead of the tourbus and you will be fine. Give it another 5 years and they will have forgotten explorers exist again.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Its textbook. Try and stay ahead of the tourbus and you will be fine. Give it another 5 years and they will have forgotten explorers exist again.
I think that's exactly what happened. Well I think explorers forgot it existed too haha


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Explorers didnt, we just stopped putting up glossy reports to entice the masses! Will admit tho. Was good to go back and see the bits i had missed.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Explorers didnt, we just stopped putting up glossy reports to entice the masses! Will admit tho. Was good to go back and see the bits i had missed.
Not those in the know I'm sure but a lot of people didn't even clock it was possible


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Some good shots there! Thought you said they were 'average'
Cheers, haha no that's what @Mikeymutt🐢 would have said probably :D

Cracking set. This place always impresses me. The changes in areas are great. From decay & peel, to clean and orderly. Big open spaces photographed beautifully and I love how you always find the detailed shots.
Thanks Jane, there is definetely a large range of stuff to photograph, from some of the decayed rooms I've ever seen to the near-pristine control room. I love getting a few detail shots in where I can, thanks!

That is a truly epic explore, the control rooms and machinery are S tier beautiful.
Such a great place and the scale of the buildings are just something else!

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