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Report - - RAE Bedford 3x3, 8x8, Canteen - August 2023 | Military Sites | Page 3 |

Report - RAE Bedford 3x3, 8x8, Canteen - August 2023

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28DL Member
28DL Member
this site is incredibly local for me, i live like four miles from it, so decided to go on foot which was a mistake... security said they would've let me in if i were in a vehicle and it was suspicious that i wanted to visit. Hope to return soon and get some photos, seems like people have had trouble with the police? Wonder who owns these buildings these days


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Amazingly shot, I'm extremely jealous πŸ˜‚

Did it recently got caught by secca shortly after getting into the open building then half a dozen police turned up Got issued with a 12 month community notice πŸ™„ another group tried a few days ago and didn't even make it to the building secca is a proper little bullshter claiming he seen us there before and we cut the fence fortunately one of the coppers pointed out he had seen the hole there a while back
We wounded Secca's pride, he got mud on his lovely white shirt 🀣

Did your notice actually come through as a 12 month?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Epic report. Heard it’s sealed good and proper now.
I was just reading that the adventure centre has closed down, I believe they used to use the vertical wind tunnell for bodyflight/ indoor skydiving, all other businesses are industrial ones - that was a good excuse to get inside without having a child on tow or an excuse to pass security pretending going to the soft play centre.
@WilsonTheHuman and myself tried this before covid (oct 2019) but never found a way in the buildings but I think I am going to have a drive around and assess the situation.

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