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Report - - RAF Control Tower - RAF Thurleigh - Bedford - 26th May 2020 | Military Sites |

Report - RAF Control Tower - RAF Thurleigh - Bedford - 26th May 2020

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Urbex Mole

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
So whist the weather has remained so beautiful my borther and I fount a site mentioned on this community that we couldn't miss out on, so off we went in search of the RAF Control Tower.

We drove around a huge site that was once the RAF base, now occupied by many businesses, and stumbled upon a race track where we photographed a car (remaining un named for legal reasons) until we were escorted from the site by security and advised the photos we had were to remain in our personal possession or we could be in serious difficulties. It just so happens that we were photographing an motor manufacturers new R&D car!

Anyway, we continued to drive around and finally found the site we were originally looking for! You can't just walk in to the have to be resourceful, whilst respectful to the place, and look for signs that others have done the same...and then left clues for you.

Once inside we spent over 4 hours taking everything in and taking almost 400 images each! The place has barely been visited, a few graffiti tags but thats pretty much it. Unopened parcels, 50 year old maintenance logs, wiring diagrams and all sorts of records! There are one or two telecoms control things still there too! Its a cracking place!

As we got back to our cars, we were greated with a security car pulling up! We had a sensible chat and explained we hadn't broken in and we were just amateur photographers looking around. Were were again escorted from the premisis....feeling like we had started a new trend for ourselves!











Oswaldo Mobray

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Looks like you were very resourceful, sure there is more of a story there haha. Very cool stuff, looks like a treasure trove of items there. Would love to have a good mooch at those logs. Good stuff ;)

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