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Report - - RAF Fauld, Fuze Store, Staffordshire, April 2017 | Military Sites |

Report - RAF Fauld, Fuze Store, Staffordshire, April 2017

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A man called Martyn

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
From Wikipedia.

The RAF Fauld explosion was a military accident which occurred at 11:11am on Monday, 27 November 1944 at 21MU RAF Fauld underground munitions storage depot. The RAF Fauld explosion was one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in history and the largest to occur on UK soil.

Between 3,500 and 4,000 tonnes of ordnance exploded mostly comprising high explosive (HE)-filled bombs, but including a variety of other types of weapons and including 500 million rounds of rifle ammunition. The resulting crater was 400 feet (120 m) deep and ¾ mile across (1,200 m) and is still clearly visible just south of the village of Fauld, to the east of Hanbury in Staffordshire, England. It is now known as the Hanbury Crater.A nearby reservoir containing 450,000 cubic metres of water was obliterated in the incident, along with a number of buildings including a complete farm. Flooding caused by destruction of the reservoir added to the damage directly caused by the explosion.

The exact death toll is uncertain; it is believed that about 70 people died in the explosion.

The site remained in use post war. The RAF remained until the late 1960s, while the americans used the site until the early 1970s.

















A picture from my drone of the blast crater
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
How's it goin mate I was just wondering if you managed to get in yourself as I live local to place and have tried numerous times to find a way in .

little_ boy_explores

A CRAZY explore from a CRAZY man, keep up the good work...


28DL Member
28DL Member
Great pictures.

With the history of the place and the incident, this place has been on my list of dream visits.

Exploring With Pride 🌈

Exploring with pride in more ways than one
28DL Full Member
I had this pinned for so long I forgot what it was had to look up the area and search for posts lol looks amazing though

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