Well ignoring the obvious debate which is repeated on a weekly basis it seems with the Numpties

it"s only going to increase in regularity lets face it!
It"s no wonder the FB goons etc took interest really, never mind anyone else. And this site has obviously been treated by them in the same way they treat every other site they visit.....Fuck it!
Anyway, fantastic pics mate & probably the best i"ve seen from here

& there"s been some good ones

obviously the extra effort you put into your photography pays dividends. Ive thought about remote lights before but using one tripod is taxing enough for me at the best of times so carrying more gear than i already do is never gonna happen, especially on a site like this with it"s access (past tense obviously
I think the site ticks all the boxes, historically, underground, tunnels, partially lit

etc etc i"m just glad the effort was made to show this site to us (however it ended up being shown) & i thank them & yourself for that