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Report - - RAF Fuel Station Micheldever April 2013 | Military Sites |

Report - RAF Fuel Station Micheldever April 2013

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is my first post on this website so i really hope you like it.

The trip and Getting in!

Ok lets start of with the trip. it was only a short train journey to the station witch was nice as i live rather close to mitchleldever. As we got off the train we took a glips at the site and saw the scale of the place this is not a small place to say the least the only thing that i was a worried about was the train track next the the site as you are technically on the rails when you are in! witch is a £1000 fine if caught. as we got close to the gate we saw that the fence ended up the hill so a quick walk around the fence was easy. as we walked to wards the second fence a train literally came straight passed us we were lucky enough to climb over the wall and drop a meter to the floor witch was not nice at all as i was holding an expensive camera. we got in and had a good 2 hours on the site.

A little history of the site!

It was built in 1939 and used during world war 2 it was closed in 1995, there are believed to be only 2 or 3 in the uk still being used to this day. Rumour has it that there is still fule in the chambers as there is still a heavy diesel smell in the air.








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