I’d like to see a non museum one
Why specifically? If it's because you think museum ones tend to be a bit sterile then perhaps you haven't seen the ones at Brunty? Seeing two of them 'launch' from their QRA sheds and do a fast taxi is probably the best way to see lighnings now. However, they do have days with much fewer people around. These are the most representative of an actaul in service aircraft that you can see.
The one at Binbrook is like a very scruffy museum piece...it takes a lot of effort to keep all it's systems functional and it lives outdoors so the Lighning preservation group have a hard job keeping it looking perfect. There are two more close by, one in the garden of the LPG chairman...that has no engines and whilst in fairly good condition it looks rather scruffy.
Never understood why people seem so keen on them (and they are 'my era' of aircraft!). Meteors and Hunters much nicer looking