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Report - - RAF Stenigot, Remaining Radar Dish - June 2020 | Military Sites |

Report - RAF Stenigot, Remaining Radar Dish - June 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I'd had this location in mind for a long time, and regretfully never took the opportunity to visit before three of the four dishes were removed for scrap in October 2018. Although this is a real shame, I was pleased to discover that there was in fact one dish that had been retained. I couldn't sleep so decided to take a drive down with @plod during the night to see the dish in the early hours. It was an extremely foggy morning and was still dark when we arrived which created a hazy atmosphere. We hung around until the sun came up before heading down south.


RAF Stenigot was opened in 1940 as an east coast Chain Home radar station. Chain Home was the code name for the ring of coastal Early Warning radar stations built by the RAF before and during WW2 to detect and track aircraft. Stenigot provided long range early warning for Luftflotte air raids along the approaches to Sheffield and Nottingham and the central midlands. After the war, the station remained operational as part of the ‘defended area’, a line of Chain Home stations running down the east coast and along the south coast. The majority of the equipment and buildings were removed in 1996.





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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
They were all so cool, kicked myself at missing the boat on these. Always fascinating, nice shoot :thumb


28DL Member
28DL Member
I've been thinking about getting back up there since I heard there was now only 1 dish left, I took this shot back in 2015, all four dishes are in the shot the fourth is just hidden from view.

Screenshot 2020-08-23 at 19.40.29.png


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Not sure if this really warrants a report, so this seems the most logical choice

Visited today whilst passing, and I can report there is no longer any dishes there...

All that remains is this, which looks like the rear supports for each dish




28DL Member
28DL Member
Visited today whilst passing, and I can report there is no longer any dishes there...

Yep, went recently in the hopes of seeing the last dish only to find nothing there. Did come across a very angry farmer and later saw this post, so it was a bollocking for nothing.

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