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Report - RAF Upwood 35mm and digital..January 2024

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Great report mate. The film shots are fantastic, I wish film was cheaper I would use it so much more. Yes, not as crisp as digital but there's just something about it aint there. Upwood was always one of my favourite explores, more because most times I visited it was a nice chilled sunny wander in the summer, rather than the place itself. Looking at this I think I'm going to have to have a chill walk around there in the late spring/summer. I used to like climbing the two towers there, only one is left now I think.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Very nice mix of shots there. Upwood may be utterly trashed but I'm glad places like this exist. Abandoned wastelands just left, without any notable security - it's these kinds of places that form the playgrounds of many generations and got me into urbex as a kid, but are rapidly disappearing as everything gets sanitised and developed. The film definitely suits the look of it, love that camera recipe!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Great report mate. The film shots are fantastic, I wish film was cheaper I would use it so much more. Yes, not as crisp as digital but there's just something about it aint there. Upwood was always one of my favourite explores, more because most times I visited it was a nice chilled sunny wander in the summer, rather than the place itself. Looking at this I think I'm going to have to have a chill walk around there in the late spring/summer. I used to like climbing the two towers there, only one is left now I think.
Thanks mate. Yeah the film is definatley not as crisp, but like you say they have a nice feel to them. You should go back really, still with a wander. Watch it be finally demolished when you go back ha ha. Yeah the front tower was demolished.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Very nice mix of shots there. Upwood may be utterly trashed but I'm glad places like this exist. Abandoned wastelands just left, without any notable security - it's these kinds of places that form the playgrounds of many generations and got me into urbex as a kid, but are rapidly disappearing as everything gets sanitised and developed. The film definitely suits the look of it, love that camera recipe!
Thank you mate. I wished more places existed like this. Were you can just go for a relaxed wander with your mates with not a care in the world. I thought this would suit film. I love the recipes on the Fuji.

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