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Report - - RAF Upwood, Cambridgeshire - July 2019 | Military Sites |

Report - RAF Upwood, Cambridgeshire - July 2019


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Hi all, this is my first report on forum, so any constructive critisism would be greatly appreciated!

RAF Upwood was a non-flying RAF base that opened in 1917 and was in use for two years until 1919, and then again from 1936-2012. Since closing, the site has been used for airsoft by a company called Urban Assault, but I believe they have stopped doing this as of May 2019. I think the land is now privately owned and not in use but pallet company HLC and maybe some other companies are using the old aircraft hangars. Part of the site has now been designated for the construction of new homes - maybe other parts of the site could follow suit?

We set off on a two hour drive to this place as we both booked a day off work on the Thursday (4th July). We entered the site at around 11:30AM (entry was very easy) and spent a good 2-2.5 hours exploring the site. We went in most of the buildings and we also climbed the two towers, which have a really awesome view of the site (and beyond) from the top. There we're a few other explorers there including some kids going up and down the site on motorbikes. I don't think there are on-site security at the place (if they're is then they must be pretty useless). But saying that, we did see a man walking around the site by himself. Could have just been a solo explorer but we stayed out of his sight just in case!

The buidlings themselves are beautiful. There is nothing left inside of the buildings however the urban decay made for some brilliant photos of be taken. I also thought that a lot of the graffiti was awesome. We had a walk around and took some photos and videos. I have shared them below.






Above is one of the hangars which a pallet company is using


I love this sprial staircase

Ladder for the smaller tower


I think the above is one of the accomodation blocks

One of the 'H' shaped buildings

The ladder for the smaller tower


A view of the smaller tower - what we're these towers used for?




2x zoom shot

0.5x wide angle shot


One of my favourite buildings, huge!


I find it weird how all of the window frames are almost completely missing along with the glass, did they take them out?


Looks like this corridor has been a victim of an arson attack - which I believe are quite regular at this RAF base :(

Some of the graffiti


All in all, this was a great explore. I did actually explore this place with a group of friends at night around a month ago, but it was too dark to get any good photos and wasn't the best, we also think we got caught by security when we went as there we're two bright torches scanning around the place, we left after that. Anyway, back to this explore I would definetely go again in the day and the sun really helped get some brilliant photos, we went to Stewartby Brickworks on the same day.

Thanks for reading!

The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member
Great first report, keep them coming :thumb

Only thing I'd say is a few less photos, a couple of them are repetitive - sometimes less is more. Otherwise a nice read and cracking photos.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Thanks for the nice comments everyone, I will definitely include less photos in the next report - I took so many photos so I became a bit indecisive.

I will be uploading more reports soon when I have the time! :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Most of these type of towers depending on the building of course would be usually Safety Equipment (Trade) and they used them to haul up parachutes to dry them etc.

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