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Report - - RAF Ventnor ROTOR Bunker - Isle of Wight - 1992-2016 | Underground Sites | Page 2 |

Report - RAF Ventnor ROTOR Bunker - Isle of Wight - 1992-2016

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big in japan
Regular User
ahhhh man thats what its all about! what an absolute banger of a report! Coldwar and raving - also love the fact you just recovered it afterwards :D


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
What a stunning place and report, the comparison pictures make it an amazing look into the past vs present.
Maybe the lottery or something simular would fund purchase and make it safe as a visitor attraction?
Great job :)


Regular User
Thanks for the comments guys, felt like it needed some special treatment and the time is totally right for that now. We used to be pretty good at planning for disaster hey?

Maybe the lottery or something simular would fund purchase and make it safe as a visitor attraction?

We really did look at all the options, getting Sub Brit involved may have resulted in tours for their paying members but ultimately it would have been re sealed. Listing was a possibility, we had a really good historian onboard, but with places like RAF Holmpton being in better condition it just isn't quite unique enough. The bunker is split between 2 different land owners who have no interest and access to the area for a permanent visitor attraction would have been at odds with the conservation work on the Downs, besides that there would be a lot of work to do, and you can see, despite valiant effort, places like RAF Wartling will never reach their potential. We've documented it as best we could, and the way things are, it would take some real commitment to re open the bunker. I kinda hope someone will one day, and its visitors still have respect for the place. But it won't be easy.

love the fact you just recovered it afterwards :D

Loads of fun sourcing nettle seeds and all sorts :D. After so long it's pretty unfindable now. The route was far from an obvious one anyway and requires some special skills.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Stunning report, I did go over the area with Pinky and Truffle Pig moons ago, but we only went into the stuff that was due to be converted into some form of luxury housing.

Say Hi to the Island and all its explorers for me, its been a while since I last visited (last summer for a funeral of one of the last of the "Highdown Rocketmen") and its going to be a while before I return...............
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Choose life, choose tunnels
Regular User
Anticipation shattered!

Lovely work indeed mate. Apart from the site itself, those archive photos are a real bonus :sleep

The video is also a seriously good piece of work.
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28DL Full Member
I have a serious soft spot for reports like this with proper history and old comparison photos, this definitely deserves the noteworthy reports section!


g00n Buster
Staff member
Totally fucking epic that Ben! Mega report as always mate. Really love the old photo’s too, fair bloody play on sourcing them badboys!


Reckless & irresponsible
28DL Full Member
Awesome report and description! Love the then and now photos:thumb
I'm intrigued by there being two clocks in one of the old photos and they are 3 hours apart. UK and Moscow times??


Regular User
I'm intrigued by there being two clocks in one of the old photos and they are 3 hours apart. UK and Moscow times??

Interesting isn't it, There are a few clocks in the archive photographs.

Assuming the pictures were taken during the day the signals room photo was taken at 1200hrs, the admin room at either 0850 or 2050hrs, then the signals office photo at 1444, second clock showing Moscow time of 1744.
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28DL Member
28DL Member
Again, Great report, wish I was involved more in the old parties up there, remember getting invites last minute


28DL Member
28DL Member
I loved that place growing up, always disappointed I never got to see the underground, so the idea that there's still entrances waiting to be found has me pretty excited

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