Right guys i allmost feel not worthy to post this in the "high"stuff section,But it is a roof top and any one of you who knows me or has waffled to me on chat or fb will realise i suffer that vertigo fear of edges thing.
That said i have been up MM roof but that was a nice enclosed staircase,this was a different matter shonky steep angled ladder/staircase right out there on the edge of the building where the small metal meshed platform that had been there a long time was less than stable looking in my mind.Big shout to Space Invader for getting me up there and giving me that little push needed to get me to do it on my 2nd attempt..
Not great views but im told it's the highest point in ramsgate....
A few pics from what turned out to be ..not as bad as i thought
Not epic by any means..but a personal achievment for me and a small step to bigger and better things!
Now let the Sarcasm begin :bananapopcorn
That said i have been up MM roof but that was a nice enclosed staircase,this was a different matter shonky steep angled ladder/staircase right out there on the edge of the building where the small metal meshed platform that had been there a long time was less than stable looking in my mind.Big shout to Space Invader for getting me up there and giving me that little push needed to get me to do it on my 2nd attempt..
Not great views but im told it's the highest point in ramsgate....
A few pics from what turned out to be ..not as bad as i thought

Not epic by any means..but a personal achievment for me and a small step to bigger and better things!
Now let the Sarcasm begin :bananapopcorn