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Report - - Rank Hovis Solent Mills, Southampton - February 2020 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Rank Hovis Solent Mills, Southampton - February 2020

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Terminal Decline

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Demolition is sadly fully underway now. I believe they started last week and it's estimated to take 40 weeks to clear the site. I'd highly recommend visiting the building before it's destroyed, there's a lot to see there aren't a whole lot of similar places left to close. Access is going to be easy and you can just casually walk through the dock gate into the site.
These photos are taken from the 'Southampton Heritage Photos' Facebook group:



Would be nice if they pulled off all of the crappy cladding from Pre-war silo before tearing it down, the brickwork looks great in old photos


The workshops being demolished

Flour miller

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
ABC Mill
This was a right bugger to get to but I eventually found a way in by chance

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This floor would have housed the roller mills, the wall at the end was constructed when G Mill was built inside this part of the site

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A bit of Mather & Platt is compulsory in a building like this

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The real gem here is the cracking belt manlift - can't be many which survive this well around nowadays

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Thanks for looking
Just to let you know what you have called multi purpose warehouse. It was know as the HOVIS warehouse when we cooked germ that went into Hovis bread and a small stone ground mill.

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