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Report (Permission Visit) - Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station Stack, M1 J24 - Jan 2011 | High Stuff |

Report (Permission Visit) Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station Stack, M1 J24 - Jan 2011

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J i m s t e r

28DL Member
28DL Member
This time, with smaller pictures. Sorry about that.

Was there a few years ago on legitimate business and on the day was offered a chance to see the top of the stack. I only had my cameraphone on me but had always wanted to see what it looked like up there and hopefully you may be interested too.

The stack:

The lift up to about 600ft inside (stack is a shroud around 4 pots @ 199 metres (653 ft) ):

There are some slits on the way up with external views:


Ladder to the platform on top, which runs between the 4 pot exits:

Views from top:



Top of pots which are about 30ft above the platform:

I shot a short vid of walking around between the pots:
Hightail Spaces

Not many of the folk on site there get to see the top of the stack so I was happy. No bravery involved of course, just thought I'd share.

Midnight Odyssey

Smegma Grindset
28DL Full Member
'Passangers Only' printed by the lift. If your job is literally to print signage then at least google how to spell the fucking words hahaha