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Report - Record ridgeway sheffield

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Now I don't know too much about the history to this place it has an absolutely incredible view from the roof, as of the beggining of the year this is well and truly closed up ready for demolition






Matt rich

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Wow the roof looks awesome at night, I'm thinking of getting up in the next few days to get some shots in before its demolished. but in the daytime I think to get the graffiti.
nice job


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Scoped this place out the past two nights and seems to be locked up pretty tight. (A lot more so than it does on google street view). Not sure if it was the same when you took these pics but well done for figuring it out!

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Great view shots. Some history would have been nice, but we cant always find it. Good job.


Most of this is sealed tight with alarm and security patrols this plus stairs blocked off and ladders to roof has been removed.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
What history would you like my partner worked there for 20 odd years.
I would of liked to know what the place did, produced, sold etc. Date it was built & date of closure. Biggest number of workers. Whats the plan for it now, Anything interesting really. Doesn't matter now, this thread is nearly 2 yrs old now


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I was there in 2015 when it was easier to access and open inside! Rekord made Vices and many other engineering tools that you will still see today. It was a great explore and in here.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I would of liked to know what the place did, produced, sold etc. Date it was built & date of closure. Biggest number of workers. Whats the plan for it now, Anything interesting really. Doesn't matter now, this thread is nearly 2 yrs old now

It produced record tools. Many of these tools are still around today such as gilbow tinsnips, chisels, hammers, auger bits, hollow square mortice chisels, flat bits, counter sink bits and pipe wrench chains. There is an history of record tools and other sheffield tools in kelham island museum. Not sure when it was built, closed towards end of 2003, my partner said he finished in august of that year and there were a few staff left behind to wind the business up. It got sold to the American tool company and I think they still produce tools under the record name, but are nowhere near as good as what sheffield record used to produce. The biggest number of workers at doncaster st, record tools was approximately 100 workers, they had another site at parkway, which had approximately 1000 workers. Who knows what the plans are for it now, its had pending demolition boards up for last 2 or 3 years, in area it is, I would say prime redevelopment land for student or professional accommodation.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
It produced record tools. Many of these tools are still around today such as gilbow tinsnips, chisels, hammers, auger bits, hollow square mortice chisels, flat bits, counter sink bits and pipe wrench chains. There is an history of record tools and other sheffield tools in kelham island museum. Not sure when it was built, closed towards end of 2003, my partner said he finished in august of that year and there were a few staff left behind to wind the business up. It got sold to the American tool company and I think they still produce tools under the record name, but are nowhere near as good as what sheffield record used to produce. The biggest number of workers at doncaster st, record tools was approximately 100 workers, they had another site at parkway, which had approximately 1000 workers. Who knows what the plans are for it now, its had pending demolition boards up for last 2 or 3 years, in area it is, I would say prime redevelopment land for student or professional accommodation.
Wow thank you @Foxydebs thats made the report much more satisfying. Tell your partner thank you. I do like to know the history of the explores on here.

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