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Report (Permission Visit) - Red Sands Maunsell WW2 Sea Forts Permissioned Visit (tour) cc2021 | Military Sites | Page 2 |

Report (Permission Visit) Red Sands Maunsell WW2 Sea Forts Permissioned Visit (tour) cc2021

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A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Yeah I saw them on YT recently too.. EWF an SV .. ill say no more...

I have spoken to people involved with the repairs etc and have been informed the locks had been changed am interested to know how exactly how they managed to get in ... !? ..
Bolt cutters and the locks gone...Hard to prove its those two goons, but SV is well known for it. if you see previous reports form here you can see it can be done with a lot more finesse and zero damage


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I spoke with the Red Sands project last year, you can go with them for a day to help repair/renovate, it's about £135 whish goes to the Red Sands project. It is dependant on the weather on the day I'm in Wales so it's off the cards for me at the moment

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