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Report - - Redhill Earthworks Factory - Surrey (JAN 2019) | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Redhill Earthworks Factory - Surrey (JAN 2019)

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Camera Drowner
Regular User

Absolutely no sign of any security though.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Absolutely no sign of any sec

I call bs on this too. Nothing onsite this afternoon, no sign of secca or any machinary.
The demolition was meant to start on the 17th Jan and now I see that the date is 18th Jan - 21st May so maybe their application did not go through with the council. I doubt they will be spending money on security as it's not worth it for them. Looks like it will survive a bit longer :)


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Security will probably be on site as and when any demolition begins to take place but only to keep an eye on all the expensive heavy machinery they bring on site to do the work.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Security will probably be on site as and when any demolition begins to take place but only to keep an eye on all the expensive heavy machinery they bring on site to do the work.
Well, as long as there isn't any machinery I guess its fine, would be pointless and expensive to rent out machinery and not use it for a couple months. I think it will only arrive upon the council approving plans.

The Explorer Returns

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It's funny you should say that Grom...Went back to take photos of the machinery but I could see them at all, then again I got caught by 2 blokes in a land rover telling me to fuck idea whats going on

The Explorer Returns

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Were they up at the top entrance that goes past the old admin buildings? I Didn't go up that far round but id assume that would be the only real way in from the main road.
Sort of, as you walk round the back with the walls and roof missing, they was parked up in that open space but was met with a blue land rover and he told me to fuck off lol


Has a weak spot for staircases
28DL Full Member
I’m fairly local but yet still haven’t explored have they brought demo machinery in yet ?


Camera Drowner
Regular User
I was there this Saturday and apart from a group of teenagers, no one about. There is an open track all the way down to the bottom that has been driven down fairly recently given the fairly new looking tyre marks. No machinery or anything, but certainly hints that things are going on.

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