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Regal Cinema - Kingston - Nov 2024

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Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
You're right! My mistake. I had to remake this thread and used the wrong image. I've corrected this so it now has the right photo but I'm slightly annoyed becuse I can't find the full quality image anywhere (but I know I saw one before)
Nice one, oh I feel like I'm always losing old photos I come across online when I need them!


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
You're right! My mistake. I had to remake this thread and used the wrong image. I've corrected this so it now has the right photo but I'm slightly annoyed becuse I can't find the full quality image anywhere (but I know I saw one before)
Nice one, oh I feel like I'm always losing old photos I come across online when I need them!


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
You're right! My mistake. I had to remake this thread and used the wrong image. I've corrected this so it now has the right photo but I'm slightly annoyed becuse I can't find the full quality image anywhere (but I know I saw one before)
Nice one, oh I feel like I'm always losing old photos I come across online when I need them!


28DL Member
28DL Member
(I know there was a report on the hall very recently but I've dug up some interesting information and history about the site that I think is worthy of posting)

Hello again!
Finally fixed this thread hopefully. Also added some bonus pics at the end that I managed to fit in.

The Regal Cinema, later known as the Gala Bingo Hall, has stood on Richmond Road in Kingston since it was built in 1932. The stand-out building was designed by achitect Robert Cromie was a British architect known for his iconic Art Deco designs, most famously the Hammersmith Apollo and the interiors of the Savoy Hotel. Viewing his work next to the Regal Cinema you can really see the design philosophy and unique flair shared throughout his work.


- Only picture I could find of Robert Cromie -

The cinema replaced an old church that had been on the site since 1909 and which was briefly converted into a small local cinema before it was torn down. Cromie’s new Art Deco creation was the height of luxury in its day, complete with an auditorium big enough for 1,500 patrons, a ballroom, and even a Wurlitzer organ. It was, without a doubt, a centerpiece of Kingston's entertainment scene and attracted people from throughout Surrey and London at a time when people were starting to embrace modern media such as film.


- Regal Cinema (then ABC) circa 1966 -

At some unknown date the Regal became part of the ABC Cinema chain, and later, like many old movie theatres, it turned into a Coral Bingo Club in the late 1970s, before becoming a Gala Bingo Hall. Bingo kept this place alive until it was forced to close in April 2010.
The consensus is that a company called CNM Estates acquired the property and discussed development plans with the community, assuring there were no plans to convert it into a nightclub (which was a concern of locals at the time) and despite owning the site for several years and aquiring planning permission for new apartments, development did not proceed.
However, I came across an interesting quote from Conservative politician and previous council leader Kevin Davis:

"The building was not owned by CNM, they were managing it on behalf of an investment company. I don’t know the details of what has happened in relation to CNM."

I can't find any information on who owned the building if it wasn't CNM which struck me as odd for such a historic Grade II listed building.
In 2022 CNM Estates faced financial difficulties, with some of their entities entering liquidation. By this point, CNM Estates had held planning permission for the site without commencing any redevelopment. As of today CNM are in active liquidation.
The new owners, Jericho Estates, have aimed to turn it into a boutique hotel called "The Regal" however the latest documentation I can find as far as planning permission goes was filed almost a year ago and as you're about to see, work has very much not commensed. The proposed building would be made of 90 guest rooms, a restaurant, bar, and 16 affordable apartments above.


- Conceptual art for "The Regal" hotel -

T'was bit of a miserable day unfortunately but after a stop off at the nearest Wetherspoons we were in high spirits. Had a first timer with us so we were a 3, which was fun (up until now we have been a duo).
Before we went in, we could see huge amounts of construction kit just lying about in the loading bay outside. Both inside and outside shipping containers, just in large piles. After doing my research it makes me wonder who it belongs to. If it is old kit owned by CNM, why hasn't it been dealt with now the company is in liquidation? If it belongs to Jericho Estates, why is it on site before planning permission has been granted? All just left to rot in the rain.
After we found a way in, we were immediately met with a large pit filled with water. As we went through the site it became apparent that there was at least one basement level that had been flooded, but we never found a way down (nor did we have appropiate footwear).


- In the background you can see the small square hole we had to fit through -

After we squeezed through the hole, we were met with some small rooms and stairs. Most had been scraped and cleaned somewhat.
I'm glad I brought my extra torch because inside it was absolutely pitch black as most windows were boarded up.


- On the left, the bottom of the staircase led to a locked shutter - On the right is the approach to the main hall -

We made our way through an unnassuming doorway and entered into the main hall, stripped of all furniture, of course. We could see what remained of the beautiful ceiling, and also spotted the large amount of supplies left behind on the hall's main floor.


- On the left is what we discovered, on the right is a picture from back when it was still the Regal cinema -


- Current and former state of the main stage/screen. It has all been boarded off -


- Hall floor absolutely covered in building materials and equipment -

We saw a door at the back of the stand so we ventured forth, eager to find a way to the roof. We came across some kids poking about who scared the crap out of us, but they were just exploring too; waiting for some of their mates.


- View out of one of the rare unboarded windows -


- Old toilets with markings from some previous survey and graffiti -


- More markings from surveys. This area was a maze of corridors and small nondescript rooms -


- Found this ladder to a skylight but was way too small for any of us -


- It's a shame these windows are mostly smashed, as they're quite beautiful -


- Found part of a chute that confirms there was some sort of works planned here but this was the only piece we found -


- Had to watch the jagged glass on this window -

We came up to this window that thankfully led to the roof as we had started to lose hope we would find a way up.
It was a bit of a struggle as it was decently high up, not too wide and we all had bags, not to mention the jagged glass left on the window bars, but as you can see we managed through it. I had to jump up from the windowsill onto the roof above so I could hold a static ladder for the others, as it was only secured at one point and would pivot somewhat.


- Checking out the skylight we couldn't fit through -


- Only this side window opened -


- Previously mentioned ladder. It would pivot back and forth aouund those bars at the bottom so it wasn't so stable -

Finally we reached the roof! I'm really glad we managed to find a way as recently I haven't had much luck with rooftops. Great views of Kingston.
I found it funny how most people at the street level never look up. We found a few oddities up there such as a random office chair and a huge pile of rusty nails.


- Success!! -


- That portion over the other side has been gutted all the way to the ground floor -


- That hole we had to cross at the start -


- I had some more photos from the roof but couldn't fit them in -

We headed back inside to check out the hall floor before we left. It's difficult to capture how much stuff has been left down there, and I don't have enough space on here to show all the photos, but it must be worth thousands.
You'll also be able to see how insanely dusty it is in there. I've never seen this level of dust in the air and considering it's quite damp inside, I'm not sure why it is so dusty but it made me wish I brought my mask.


- Portion of the floor from under the stand -


- Leftover milk in the fridge. No we did not try any -


- Ceiling in the main hall -


- Also note how much dust there is in these photos. My torch isn't particularly powerful either -


- Taking a load off -

We had seen all we could see at this point so it was time to make an exit. On the way out we ran into the mates of those kids who were also in the building, and they had been here before so it seems like a popular spot.


- Back where we started -


- Bonus rooftop photo down Richmond road -


- Bonus window photo -


- Bonus shot of this empty area -

Thanks for reading!
This was our first explore in quite awhile since moving down to London and it was a blast! I've spent some time researching a long list of possible locations so expect more reports coming soon!
As usual, I'm always looking for advice! I'm not the best at writing and find it challenging sometimes, so thanks for sticking with it!

All the best,
- Natah-X -

Edit: Finally got the images and side-by-sides working :) hopefully this thread will be alright now
why would CNM leave so much valuable construction equipment there to rot on such an amazing oppourtinity to rebuild this beautiful building? so many questions, how long is the hole/tunnel you have to crawl through and what is it like finding others in the same location you are exploring??? must be terrifying lol


Looking for beauty
28DL Full Member
why would CNM leave so much valuable construction equipment there to rot on such an amazing oppourtinity to rebuild this beautiful building? so many questions, how long is the hole/tunnel you have to crawl through and what is it like finding others in the same location you are exploring??? must be terrifying lol
Scared the shit out of me when we came across the other lads but it quickly subsided when we saw they were kids. I work in a construction-adjacent industry and you’d be surprised how often shit is just left and forgotten about due to poor management.

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