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Report - Sion Hill Midlle School - March 2016 | Other Sites |

Report - Sion Hill Midlle School - March 2016


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hello everyone,

So this is my first report in a very long time, I used to explore on a regular basis but the hobby took a side line when I decided to go to University, however my spark has been re-ignited...Ok, so enough about me on to the nitty gritty, I recently visited Sion Hill Middle School, Kidderminter. I came across this whilst on my way to visit Drakelow Tunnels with a friend a couple of weeks ago, it looked interesting so I made a note of the location and went back to find the place and explore!

As for history of this place, I can fid evidence of students on roll from 1966 - 2007, The school was originally closed due to funding cuts meaning that the students automatically were placed at other high schools nearby. I chose this place as I could not find many explores online already (If this had been posted on Tuesday, it would of been the first one on here) I always explore to see something new, something not everyone has seen. Now time for the actual report...

These photographs cover my first visit to the building, After an extremely easy entry to the grounds just 2 ladies walking their dogs but it was in the daytime, Upon entering the smaller outbuilding building and taking a few photographs, I decided to head inside the main building. It looks huge from the outside, but upon gaining entry this was not the case. I ventured in to a few ground floor classrooms and then down a long glass splattered corridor when heard a noise upstairs which almost certainly sounded like someone. Not wanting to take any risks and to be honest, my pooping my pants I decided to get out and come back at a later date with other people, rather than walking round alone.

Anyways....Please see my first set of photographs, any comments and feedback would be greatly received!
I currently using a Nikon Coolpix L830 to shoot my UE's but I'm also aware my photography skills need a lot of improvement.

Thanks for reading my first report!


The Main Buildings


Looks like it wont be here much longer....


The Caretakers House - No access unfortunately


Scare tactics :)


Inside the main building - School Kitchen


Not sure what this is, but it looks pretty cool




The Sports Hall - This looks fire damaged from the outside, but we discovered on our second visit that this wasn't the case - Second report to follow shortly.
















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The dreaded corridor where I heard the noise that made me run!
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Punkus Explorus
28DL Full Member
Well, this place has seen better days :eek:
Nice first report, looks like you've covered the whole place
Good stuff :thumb

Paul S

28DL Member
28DL Member
I went to this school in the '70s. An almost wholly bad experience.

The head teacher was a Mr Green, a headmaster of the old school type who took immense pleaseaure in sweeping into daily assembly in his gown and mortarboard and delivering a hell-fire style sermon, he was of course named Batman by the pupils.

The strange structures on the side of the sports hall were 'fives' courts, similar to squash but played with the hand. I caught a ball in the eye and thought i was going blind.

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