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Report - - Report - STAR WARS SET! Greenham Common (Gama) Thatcham, Berkshire - Date n/a | Military Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Report - STAR WARS SET! Greenham Common (Gama) Thatcham, Berkshire - Date n/a


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
See if you can spot the Greenham bits

The Force Awakens production, watch the San Diego Comic-Con 2015 reel @
At 30 seconds in them drill part looking things were defrost there, as well as a drone or two I think, was probably more locked in the tunnel there was one sealed.
Did they actually film on the site or just use to assemble props? I'll have a look for my old laptop see if I have anymore we were in a rush because of security and no easy way out especially after what we discovered

28DL Full Member
Good pictures. Yeah they did film on the site. I live 20 minutes away but heard from people that at one point they had helicopters flying around with the cameras on above greenham and i did find a picture somewhere of the silos all kitted out and it looks like something from another planet so to speak! I will try and find it.

The pipes in the middle left if the pitcture are all props and so are the things to the right like the dishes etc.
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mockney reject

Staff member
Congratulations dude, I knew they where filming there and myself and a friend shot down there and missed it by two days :(

Got to love star wars :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Myself and a friend entered recently, no pics as it was so dark and only had phones. Most of the set is gone now but there were a few crates and scaffolding bits left. The actual site was awesome (the views on top of the silos were epic on a clear night), shame about the bunker! Also there were quite a few fences, the place was like Fort Knox! Well worth the effort though!
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Bertie Bollockbrains

There is no pain
Regular User
Not a good idea to state the precise date/time you entered! best edit it to say "recently"

Anyways, I too have been in recently, the site is now a storage depot for Acorn Event Structures which is a company that provides the temporary stages for festivals and the like. and yes lots of ISO containers around and generally just lots of festival stuff piled up.


28DL Member
28DL Member
No joke if you can get the other images there are star wars sites like makingstarwars and starwars7news that would pay for these


28DL Member
28DL Member
Just watched the teaser that Disney released today and saw this part here, judging by the background of some of my knowledge of the movie im fairly certain that this scene is what was being filmed at the military base when you visited ;)


28DL Full Member
This is a quick screen grab from my phone. You can see the bits from the silos.


  • Screenshot_2015-10-20-06-53-24.png
    484 KB · Views: 253


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Quite a few seconds in the new trailer.
Just wish I had had a better camera whilst I was there, but I'm sure if I would have been caught it would have not been a simple escort off of the site warning.
One of my most exciting explores to date.