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Report - - Research Station Fenhurst AUG 2020 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Research Station Fenhurst AUG 2020

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The Explorer Returns

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Has anyone been to this site recently? I had no idea any buildings even still existed there. I worked at this site in the late '80s - I was a graphic designer for ICI Agrochemicals (which then became Zeneca etc etc). These photos are amazing and now I really want to go back and take a look! Got to add that this particular site was a plant research facility and I can vouch that no animals were used for testing at this location (I would not have worked there if that had been the case). My dad also worked here - he started there in the early 70s and stayed until his retirement in the 90s. Before the main building was created all the offices were like army-style huts. I think they had all been demolished during the new build, may have been a couple left. I'm guessing the Jag may have been one of the company's pool cars...I totally need to visit this place!
It’s still there although the car is long gone.

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